Restorative Dentistry

Lee Plaza Dental office provides a wide variety of restorative dentistry services because missing teeth can be embarrassing and harmful to your oral health. The space created by a missing tooth can easily become infected with bacteria, cause other teeth to shift out of place, and make it difficult for people to speak or eat properly. Even with regular preventative care check-ups and good oral hygiene practices, our teeth can need restoring and strengthening.  

Restorative dentistry procedures are extremely effective for restoring a tooth that has become infected, damaged or has fallen out. Dr. Lee of the Lee Plaza dental office completes these procedures in a way that looks natural while resolving oral health issues. Advancements in restorative dentistry has benefits for both the patient and the dentist. The tools and technology advancements give dentists improved tooth color matching, faster tooth reproduction times, and longer lasting results, A patient can regain functionality without any noticeable appearance of dental work.

Restorative Dentistry Procedures

Plaza Dental office takes care of a happy family. Lee Plaza Dental. Kansas City Missouri
  • Dental Crown - A dental crown is a cap that surrounds the tooth. We typically use a crown to restore a damaged tooth, but a dental crown can also be used to improve the appearance of a smile. Dr. Lee with examine your tooth and speak with you on what materials will be used to produce long-lasting results. Please see Same-Day Crown.
  • Dental Bridge - A dental bridge replaces a missing tooth without a patient having to wear dentures or undergo surgery. The new tooth is held in place by two crowns, which create a bridge. It looks natural and consists of a ceramic or porcelain material to match the surrounding teeth.
  • Dental Implants – This is a more complex procedure for replacing missing teeth. This is a permanent solution and requires a full examination of your oral health, consultation with the dentist, creation of a new tooth/teeth, and more recovery time than other types of procedures. Dr. Lee will examine your mouth, gums and jawbone to determine if the procedure is right for you.
  • Fillings – Fillings is a procedure used to treat a cavity, worn down teeth, or repair a cracked, broken tooth. First the decayed portion of the tooth removed and then “filled” in and shaped to match your natural tooth’s contours.
  • Dentures – Keeping your natural teeth for as long as you can is the goal; however, there are times when replacing all your teeth with dentures is a reliable solution. Dr. Lee will discuss your options with you as well as review the pros and cons of dentures.
  • Partial Dentures – Often referred to as partials, partial dentures are a good solution for replacing a few teeth that are missing. Unlike a full set of dentures, these are held in place by a plastic base that is the same color as your gums and a metal framework to secure the base and prevent the partial dentures from falling out.
  • Temporary Dentures - While you wait for your dentures, bridge, or implants to be made, you will have temporary dentures. This ensure you have a natural looking smile and can function while waiting. This is a temporary solution, only meant to be worn for a few months.

Be Prepared and Informed When Choosing the Right Procedure

When considering any restorative dentistry, ask questions. During your initial consultation, consider all your restorative dentistry options and make sure that the procedure you choose is the healthiest choice for you. We recommend that patients come in for a consultation and then return for the procedure. Depending on the procedure, we may recommend that you plan to take a day or two off from work. Sometimes teeth can be sensitive and sore, and it is easier if you don't have to worry about meeting clients and keeping up with your busy schedule when you are in discomfort.

Whether you choose restorative dentistry or are having a procedure due to a dental emergency, Lee Plaza Dental office is here on The County Club Plaza, near Westport, in Kansas City, Missouri to make your experience as comfortable as possible. Dr. Lee and our staff will keep you informed and are here to answer your questions at 816-323-0180 / 816-376-0851.

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Preventive Care - Cosmetic Dentistry - Restorative Dentistry - Dental Emergency


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